Position papers


Trading venue outages: a framework for industry-wide standard protocols in equity markets

While trading venue outages are rare, they require an appropriate response. With the objective of a more harmonised framework in…

Response to ESMA Consultation Paper on the Review of the MiFID II Framework on Best Execution Reports

FESE, representing trading venues providing pre- and post-trade transparency, appreciates any efforts to improve transparency. It is crucial that the…

Response to ESMA call for evidence on retail investor protection

FESE welcomes the opportunity to respond to ESMA’s Call for Evidence on the European Commission mandate on certain aspects relating…

Press release: “Exchanges raise concerns over ESMA’s Annual Statistical Report on 2020 data”

In 2020, the UK was still part of the EU single market, accounting for 70% of turnover in EEA equity.…

FESE Position Paper on the Treatment of Derivatives in the Final Draft RTS on SFDR Taxonomy-related product Disclosures

In the current RTS proposal, the Taxonomy alignment of certain specified financial products needs to be expressed via a ratio,…

Position on non-addressable liquidity and price formation

FESE would like to highlight that in the debate around non-addressable liquidity, improving data quality and the flagging of transactions,…
