Position papers


FESE input on Green Bond Prospectus

Created: 30 April 2019 FESE members operate markets where green bonds are issued. Market standards have developed in recent years…

Guiding principles for EU Equivalence

Created: 08 April 2019 Appropriate regulation and supervision of financial activities in a cross-border context has been a key regulatory…

Feedback on the effects of financial regulatory reforms on SME financing

Created: 22 March 2019 It is important that financial authorities carefully assess the impact of G20 regulatory reforms on financial…

Oxera report: The design of equity trading markets in Europe

Created: 21 March 2019 An economic analysis of price formation and market data services There is an ongoing debate about…

Response to the German Ministry of Finance Consultation on MiFID II/MiFIR

Created: 19 March 2019 FESE welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation as we consider it timely for policymakers…

Analysis of the Copenhagen Economics report ‘Pricing of market data’

Created: 19 March 2019 This paper analyses the main conclusions of the 2018 Copenhagen Economics report and explains that its…
