We are pleased to present a webinar on the FESE Manifesto on “The Future of EU Capital Markets: How to Increase the EU’s Competitiveness?” on Tuesday 9th July 2024.

Last month, FESE launched the Manifesto 2030, a C.H.E.C.K.-list from the exchange industry to get European capital markets in motion. In anticipation of the future CMU agenda, we will present and discuss the FESE Manifesto for the upcoming political mandate, while also evaluating the current state of the EU’s capital markets. To review our manifesto, please click here.

Date: Tuesday 9th July 2024
Time: 11:00 – 12:30
Format: MS Teams

This event will bring together key policymakers and stakeholders from across the industry and provide an opportunity for reflection, networking, and celebration.

Please email our Communications Officer, Marián Caro, at caro@fese.eu if any questions.