Time and date: 09:00 – 15:00 - 12th November
Location: Representation of the State of Hessen to the EU, Rue Montoyer 21, 1000 Brussels


9:00 Welcome speech by Mark Weinmeister, State Secretary, Hessen State
9:15 Opening speech by Mario Nava, Director Horizontal Policies, DG FISMA, European Commission
9:30 Fireside chat on the FESE Blueprint
Robin Jezek, Group Head of Regulation & Government Affairs, Euronext
Martin Reck, Managing Director, Deutsche Börse AG
Bjørn Sibbern, President, European Markets, NASDAQ
Moderator: Rosa Armesto, Deputy Director General, FESE  
10:00 Keynote- Roger Havenith, Deputy Chief Executive, European Investment Fund
10:15 Panel 1: Empowering the end investor – what Europe needs to do now
Long-term direct investment into equity markets are consistently shown to provide higher returns than any other asset classes, yet European end investors are usually channelled into intermediated products that provide low yields and higher risk. What does Europe need to do now to defuse the pension time bomb? How can markets deliver better outcomes for the end investor?  
Niels Lemmers, Director of Public Affairs and Legal, Dutch Investors’ Association
Tilman Lüder, Head of Securities Markets, DG FISMA, European Commission
Carmine Di Noia, Commissionner, Consob
Alexander Schindler, Member of the Executive Board, Union Asset Management Holding
Guillaume Prache, Managing Director, Better Finance
11:15 Coffee break
11:45 Keynote – Caroline Nagtegaal, Member of the European Parliament
12:00 Interim Report from the European IPO Task Force: Equity Financing the EU  
The number of listed companies is declining, while equity via public markets is an important capital buffer against external shocks. With Brexit, sustainability and new technologies, the European landscape is significantly changing. How can we mobilise capital from institutional and end investors into equity markets? How can we revive IPO markets and reap again the benefits that listing provides for companies and society? What does Europe need to change in order to be attractive from small markets in Eastern Europe to Blue Chips for global investors?  
Piet Hemschoote, CMU Working Party Chair, Accountancy Europe
Caroline Nagtegaal, Member of the European Parliament
Rainer Riess, Director General, FESE
André Küüsvek, Director Local Currency & Capital Markets Development, EBRD
Josina Kamerling, Head of Regulatory Outreach EMEA, CFA Institute  
12:45 Lunch  
13:45 Panel 2: Efficient price formation – how to bring light into the dark?
Introductory speech: Markus Ferber, Member of the European Parliament  

Efficient price formation is the backbone to valuing the assets of the real economy. However, Europe has not delivered on the objective of the G20 and MiFID II / MiFIR to increase transparency in equity, fixed income and derivatives markets. To the contrary, bilateral trading through systematic internalisers has increased massively and OTC volumes remain high. With Brexit looming, getting European market structure right gains even more importance. Will a CTP solve the issue? What needs to happen to deliver on the regulatory objectives to increase transparency, integrity, stability and fairness?  

Markus Ferber, Member of the European Parliament
Rebecca Healey, Head of EMEA Market Structure & Strategy, Liquidnet Europe
Henrik Husman, VP Nordic Cash Equity Products, NasdaqFabrizio Planta, Head of Markets Department, ESMA

Rainer Riess, Director General, FESE  
14:55 Closing speech by Petr Koblic, FESE President  
15:00 Coffee reception