
Personal message from FESE Director General on the MiFIR review proposal


Decision-makers across Europe are right now assessing proposed changes to the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation.…

Position Papers

More to be done to strengthen transparency: FESE position paper on the MiFIR review proposal


FESE welcomes the opportunity to give feedback on the MiFIR review proposal. We share its objectives…

Position Papers

Trading venue outages: a framework for industry-wide standard protocols in equity markets


While trading venue outages are rare, they require an appropriate response. With the objective of a…

Position Papers

Response to ESMA Consultation Paper on the Review of the MiFID II Framework on Best Execution Reports


FESE, representing trading venues providing pre- and post-trade transparency, appreciates any efforts to improve transparency. It…


Press release: “Exchanges raise concerns over ESMA’s Annual Statistical Report on 2020 data”


In 2020, the UK was still part of the EU single market, accounting for 70% of…

Position Papers

Position on non-addressable liquidity and price formation


FESE would like to highlight that in the debate around non-addressable liquidity, improving data quality and…


Press release: “one step forward, one step back – MiFIR review proposal risks missing the moment”


Substantive changes are needed to ensure the legislative package published today does not risk undermining the…


New analysis of consolidated tape models recommends balanced approach


Provided data quality is improved and changes in market structure are implemented, a new cost-benefit study…

Position Papers

Response to the ESMA Consultation Paper on the Review of RTS 1 and RTS 2


FESE welcomes the opportunity to respond to the ESMA Consultation Paper on the Review of RTS…

Position Papers

Views on the UK Wholesale Markets Review


FESE welcomes the opportunity to respond to the UK Wholesale Markets Review consultation. Open, competitive, and…

Position Papers

Response to retail investment strategy consultation


The retail investment strategy for Europe comes at a crucial time to shape the development of…

Position Papers

Response to the ESMA Consultation Paper on Technical Standards for Commodity Derivatives


FESE supports the majority of the proposals included in the draft ESMA Technical Standards for commodity…