Digital Finance


EACH, ECSDA & FESE Joint High-Level Principles on DORA Implementation


The European Association of CCP Clearing Houses (EACH), the European Central Securities Depositories Association (ECSDA), and…


Joint Associations’ Letter – European Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud


The European Association of CCP Clearing Houses (EACH), the European Central Securities Depositories Association (ECSDA), and…

Position Papers

Position paper on Decentralised Finance (De-Fi)


Decentralised Finance (De-Fi) is a fast-developing cornerstone of digital finance that can present many innovative opportunities…

Position Papers

Response to the FSB consultation on regulation, supervision, and oversight of crypto-asset activities and markets


The fast-evolving crypto-asset markets might pose risks to the global financial system. Therefore, there is a…

Position Papers

Response to ESMA consultation on guidelines for permission to operate a DLT market infrastructure


FESE welcomes ESMA’s proposed guidelines on standard forms, formats and templates to apply for permission to…

Position Papers

Response to the Commission consultation on a digital euro


The creation of a digital euro could possibly enable more direct access to different types of…

Position Papers

Response to IOSCO Retail Market Conduct Task Force report


FESE welcomes IOSCO’s Retail Market Conduct Task Force Report and the opportunity to provide feedback to…

Position Papers

Response to ESMA call for evidence on the DLT Pilot Regime


FESE believes that it is key to draft Regulatory Technical Standards that are technology neutral -…

Position Papers

Response to Commission consultation on the Data Act


Companies need to invest to develop data products and services, with the party sharing data obtaining…

Position Papers

Response – ESMA Call for Evidence on Digital Finance


FESE fully supports the work of the European institutions aimed at making the EU fit for…

Position Papers

Feedback on Commission initiatives on data


FESE supports the European Commission's plan to propose an overarching data strategy that has the potential…

Position Papers

Position paper on the NIS 2 Directive and the CER Directive


We welcome the European Commission’s proposal on the new EU Cybersecurity Strategy. Exchanges play an important…