
Press Release: Equity: the key to unlocking a sustainable economic recovery


BRUSSELS, 2 JULY 2020 The Covid-19 pandemic has had tremendous effects on our societies. The loss…

Position Papers

Feedback on the CMU HLF Report


FESE welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the consultation on the CMU HLF report. While…

Position Papers

The use of private-public funds for the IPOs of EU SMEs


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has made it her priority to facilitate SMEs’ access…

Position Papers

A post-crisis framework for European capital markets


The effects triggered by the spread of COVID-19 and its economic impact will be severe and…

Position Papers

Position on private equity


The number of initial public offerings (IPOs) have been facing a structural decline over the past…

Position Papers

“Wake-up call: Europe’s public capital markets” – FESE Manifesto


Europe needs an ambitious Capital Markets Union (CMU). The FESE Manifesto is a call for action…

Position Papers

Input of PRIIPs regulation on the corporate bond market


Fostering retail investors’ participation in capital markets is a key objective of CMU, however, in some…


FESE Blueprint: ‘Capital Markets Union by 2024 – A vision for Europe’


Today, FESE launched its FESE Blueprint: ‘Capital Markets Union by 2024 – A vision for Europe’…

Position Papers

FESE input on Green Bond Prospectus


Created: 30 April 2019 FESE members operate markets where green bonds are issued. Market standards have…

Position Papers

Feedback on the effects of financial regulatory reforms on SME financing


Created: 22 March 2019 It is important that financial authorities carefully assess the impact of G20…

Position Papers

Feedback on the proposed repeal of the Listing Directive


Created: 7 March 2019 The European Commission’s Work Programme for 2019 sets out that the Directive…

Position Papers

Feedback on the Commission’s Draft Delegated Regulation on the Prospectus Regulation


Created: 4 February 2019 On 20 July 2017, the Prospectus Regulation entered into force and required…