Position Papers

Position Papers

Feedback on the CMU HLF Report


FESE welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the consultation on the CMU HLF report. While…

Position Papers

Response on the transparency regime for non-equity and the DTO


We fully agree with the objectives of MiFID II /R to increase pre- and post-trade transparency…

Position Papers

Response to the Commission consultation on Artificial Intelligence


FESE believes that a revision of the regulatory framework is necessary, as the current legislation may…

Position Papers

The use of private-public funds for the IPOs of EU SMEs


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has made it her priority to facilitate SMEs’ access…

Position Papers

Response on the Non-Financial Reporting Directive


The review of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive should focus on strengthening and harmonising provisions. Disclosure obligations…

Position Papers

A post-crisis framework for European capital markets


The effects triggered by the spread of COVID-19 and its economic impact will be severe and…

Position Papers

Response to ESMA on Benchmarks Regulation RTS


Following the outcomes of the ESAs Review, which amends BMR, ESMA is currently in the process…

Position Papers

Response to the Commission on a European Strategy for Data


FESE supports the strategy of the European Commission in proposing an overarching data strategy that has…

Position Papers

Review of the MiFID II/MiFIR regulatory framework


Executive Summary Response to the review of the MiFID II/MiFIR regulatory frameworkAnnex: FESE Non-paper on the…

Position Papers

Response Climate Benchmarks Delegated Acts


The Climate Benchmarks Regulation will bring consistency and clarity to the market for low carbon benchmarks…

Position Papers

Response to ESMA on the MiFIR Report on SIs in Non-equity Instruments


The objective of MiFID II / MiFIR was to bring OTC multilateral trading to lit multilateral…

Position Papers

Response to ESMA on the transparency regime for equity and equity-like instruments


The objective of MiFID II/MiFIR was to significantly improve transparency for equity instruments by bringing more…