Position Papers

Position Papers

Updated input on MiFIR “Non-discriminatory” Access: How to incentivise ETDs trading


The EU’s current political reflections on key initiatives, such as the future of the Capital Markets…

Position Papers

Response to joint consultation on taxonomy related sustainability disclosures


FESE welcomes the opportunity to provide a response to the ESAs’ consultation on taxonomy related sustainability…

Position Papers

Position paper on the NIS 2 Directive and the CER Directive


We welcome the European Commission’s proposal on the new EU Cybersecurity Strategy. Exchanges play an important…

Position Papers

Briefing note on SPACs


The FESE briefing note on Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) explains what SPACs are, how they…

Position Papers

Response to ESMA consultation on Benchmark Regulation guidelines


FESE welcomes the opportunity to provide a response to the ESMA consultation on methodology to be…

Position Papers

Response to ESMA Consultation Paper on Algorithmic Trading


FESE Members play an important role in supporting the stability of the financial system and are…

Position Papers

Response to Commission consultation on a European Single Access Point


The European Single Access Point (ESAP) should include information already disclosed by companies listed on Regulated…

Position Papers

Response to the IOSCO Consultation Report on Market Data in the Secondary Equity Markets


FESE welcomes the IOSCO consultation report on market data in the secondary equity markets. We agree…

Position Papers

Efficient public capital markets and their core role in driving European economic growth and investment


The economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, aligned with high levels of public debt and a…

Position Papers

Position on MiFIR Non-discriminatory Access for ETDs


Key issue & request: The “Non-discriminatory” Access provisions under MiFIR constitute a serious risk to the…

Position Papers

Position on Equity Market Structure & Data


Key issue & request: Fair Competition & Market Structure: MiFID II has permitted the growth of…

Position Papers

Response to the Commission consultation on Sustainable Corporate Governance


FESE welcomes the opportunity to provide a response to the Commission consultation on sustainable corporate governance.…