Position Papers

Position Papers

Response to the ESMA consultation on the cost of market data and consolidated tape


FESE welcomes the opportunity to provide input to ESMA on the development in prices-for pre-and post-trade…

Position Papers

Response to the TEG consultation on climate benchmarks


Whilst we welcome an increase in transparency for customers, we anticipate that the proposals as they…

Position Papers

Input on the functioning of the ESMA database


Created: 9 July As legislative requirements are highly data dependent, comprehensive data and data quality is…

Position Papers

Response to the ESMA call for evidence on position limits and position management in commodity derivatives.


Created: 5 July The MiFID II/MiFIR position limits regime has, so far, been able to function…

Position Papers

Position Paper and Technical Analysis on “Non-discriminatory” Access for ETDs


Created: 1 July The EU27’s current political reflections on key initiatives, such as the future of…


FESE Blueprint: ‘Capital Markets Union by 2024 – A vision for Europe’


Today, FESE launched its FESE Blueprint: ‘Capital Markets Union by 2024 – A vision for Europe’…

Position Papers

FESE input on Green Bond Prospectus


Created: 30 April 2019 FESE members operate markets where green bonds are issued. Market standards have…

Position Papers

Guiding principles for EU Equivalence


Created: 08 April 2019 Appropriate regulation and supervision of financial activities in a cross-border context has…

Position Papers

Feedback on the effects of financial regulatory reforms on SME financing


Created: 22 March 2019 It is important that financial authorities carefully assess the impact of G20…


Oxera report: The design of equity trading markets in Europe


Created: 21 March 2019 An economic analysis of price formation and market data services There is…

Position Papers

Response to the German Ministry of Finance Consultation on MiFID II/MiFIR


Created: 19 March 2019 FESE welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation as we consider…

Position Papers

Analysis of the Copenhagen Economics report ‘Pricing of market data’


Created: 19 March 2019 This paper analyses the main conclusions of the 2018 Copenhagen Economics report…